Roses make the perfect gift or decoration for any occasion. So if you get cut roses, or you decide to use roses from your garden to decorate your home, you should know how to keep them fresh for a longer period of time.
In case you plan to use roses in your garden, you should be extra careful. The plant should be well watered before the roses are cut. If you plan on cutting the roses in the morning, then the plant should be watered the previous evening. Generally, the best time to cut roses is early morning or evening. When the flowers appear damp or wet, it is best not to cut them until they dry.
Choose flowers that are partially opened, but avoid cutting buttons that are fully closed. There are special shaving apparatus available which are used to cut roses. Do not use scissors because the damage to the stems. Make sure you have a bowl of warm water to take when cutting the roses. Immerse the stems of the roses immediately after cutting. Hold the stem under water and clamp it to a little more air bubbles, which cause to remove the flowers fade.
When you bring the roses in, make sure you keep stems immersed in water for about an hour. Keep the bowl and the roses in a cool dark place. In case you do not intend to make immediate use of the roses, transferred to a refrigerator and set the temperature around the thirty-eight degrees Celsius.
Whether you're using roses from the garden or the florist, the following tips can help to cut roses to keep fresh for a long time.
Fill the vase with warm water, about three quarters of the vase to be filled and the water may not be colder than the temperature of the room. Add floral preservative to the water. This is available at nurseries, but you can make your own by mixing one part of lime soda and a portion of the water.
Cut the leaves of the roses in the water. Also, remove leaves that are torn, brown or damaged. Hold the stem of the rose under water and cut in a miter. Then wear the rose in the vase.
Make sure you water it every day. Do not forget to add the preservative each time water is changed. Even if the water is changed, cut a piece of the stem at an angle of 45 degrees and discard leaves that are damaged or were immersed in water. This will ensure that the cut roses stay fresh for about a week.
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